Our Company
MKR is a building solution company founded in the Greater Boston Area. We help by providing building solutions in the most time efficient and cost effective ways possible. What differentiates us is our ability to be a one-stop-shop in time sensitive situations, helping our clients solve their business issues by providing comprehensive professional services at an affordable rate.

Our Services
Our services focus on saving you time and effort by efficiently taking care of your needs quickly and effectively. We focus on our client's interests, not ours. To do this, we utilize our expertise in asking the right questions, listening to the answers, and having relationships with the proper professionals. Once we understand your concerns and wishes, we manage & provide services such as:​
Construction / Renovations Demolition
Floor To Ceiling Installation
Industrial "Open Look" Systems
General Housekeeping
Masonry Construction & Repairs
Electrical, Plumbing & HVAC Services
Moving Office Environments
ADA Modifications